Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Birthday Celebration
Samuel and Seth's Birthday Celebration started with Grandma-pa Tanner taking them out to dinner anywhere of their choice. Not surprisingly they ended up at Maple Gardens. They love Chinese Food. Friday they returned home from school to find our traditional candy bar poster and helium balloons tied to their own case of pop! Our family went to a fun local Mexican restaurant Javiers for our celebration because Seth and Sam wanted to go close and quick so they could go to their High School Basketball game and then bowling with friends. Saturday was spent all day skiing with lots of buddies and some cute girls too who then came over that evening for Hot Dogs and Root beer Floats and many laughs and fun times!! Sunday we had a nice family dinner and then the Fords came over for cake and ice cream, air hockey tournament and fun chatting! Grandma Bell wasn't able to be with us this week but she sent her love. Samuel received money and Seth was ecstatic to receive his gift. Grandma framed the flag that was on Grandpa's casket and gave it to Seth. He was speechless, amazed at how cool it is and cannot believe it's his! He is thrilled, honored and completely appreciates what the United States flag represents and stands for. Especially this particular flag that honored his Grandfather as a World War II Veteran! It was a great weekend and I hope Seth and Samuel had a WONDERFUL HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love Allyson
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9:04 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Happy 17th Birthday Seth & Samuel
WOW! Does it sound trite to say I can't believe it! Well I can't! My two preemie tiny little babies that came 6 weeks early and laid in incubators for 10 days so little, weak and tired they couldn't even be held are now a whopping 17 years old! I remember the day they were born so clearly! Scary, exciting, happy, joyful, nervous, thrilling! A new mom, a new dad! Two Babies so sweet so tiny, so full of love and so incredibly fresh from heaven. One thing I remember most about their birth was their strong spirit! So strong, each and every day. I remember the maturity I felt emanating from their bodies, their spirits so strong and so remarkably present! The heavens were upon us in our warm little home for those months of their growing and learning! They were so cute and soo soo fun!! We had a total blast with them! I totally loved having twins, every minute of it! I would have done it again in a heart beat. People didn't believe me but I was so very happy! So Very Happy! My Seth! My Samuel! Oh my gosh I love them so much it makes my heart hurt. Who said they could grow up! Who said they could be 17 and drive and date and have friends and ideas and thoughts of their own. Who said that Seth could join the Navy and Sam could go to MIT for school! I always knew as a mother you loved your children but I didn't know that you loved them so much it hurt! That everything that happens to them happens to you. I knew you loved them, I didn't know you fell in love with them! How much I love them, so very so very much! Love to Seth! Love to Sam Always and Forever! Love Mom!
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8:54 PM
Boy did we ring in the new year with a bang! First off Mike-Samuel-Joanthan went skiing New Years Eve Day. Then we hooked up with Heiners for a very cute and entertaining movie "Enchanted" I absolutely loved it and can't wait to buy it. Noah-Mike cracked right up, Seth-Sam-Joe weren't real thrilled and Jonathan down right hated it! It was very girly girl but I loved it!! We had dinner at the Union Grill which was fun and great times! Seth-Sam-Lizzie all got free desserts for their birthdays. We told the waiter they were triplets and he was in such a stupor the whole evening I actually think he believed us. Seth-Sam went to their party, Joe went to his party and Lizzie went to her party. Mike-Jon-Noah-I went to Daren's for a rousing conversation with the Bells. They are so funny, the all sacred conversation takes such precedent they don't even stop to recognize the new year has begun! New Years Day we met Daren, Liane, Mandolin, Crobin and Sevana's families for a roller skating, bounce house bouncing, laser tagging extravaganza! We then went to Curt-Carols for divine fondue! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love Allyson
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8:42 PM
Piano Recital
Jonathan and Joseph each played in their very first piano recital! They both did quite well for their first time and even held steady through their jitters. They both enjoyed themselves and were quite excited about the whole process yet a tad disappointed in their performance. It was great practice though and I thought they each did a great job. It's good experience for them to perform in front of an audience and get the feel for playing publicly! Both of them looked so handsome in their new Christmas sweaters and Sunday Best! What handsome boys! It was a neat event and they both had a ton of fun! When Jonathan and Joseph came back to our seats after the final number Noah exclaimed "Boy did you mess up!" The little stink, what does he know? Luckily they've learned to pay him no never mind when he talks like that! Because of course being the proud mom I thought they were Smashing! Love Allyson
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8:33 PM
Holiday Count Down
21 Nutcracker
22 Thanksgiving
23 Tree Cutting
24 Salt Lake City Sites
25 Curt-Carols for Dinner
26 Errands, Home, FHE
27 Red Butte Gardens, Tran Siberian Orchestra
28 Lunch with Linda
29 SLC with Natalie-Colleen
30 Gateway Applebees with Mike & Boys
1 Snow Storm, Primary Activity, Home & decorate all day, tend baby Max
2 First Presidency Christmas Devotional
3 Olive Garden Jan-Barbie-Nancy
4 Shopping with Carol, lunch with Mike-Curt
5 Temple, Tend Lucas
6 Shopping & lunch with Phyllis, Neighbor gift assembly with Laura-Linda
7 Bishopric Party
8 Institute Program, Dinner, City Park with Boys
9 Fleshy Bimbos
10 Errands, Shopping, HOME
11 Shopping with Linda, Ward Party
12 Lunch with Mike, Benji came over
13 Temple, Dinner Group
14 Mom's Dinner Group, Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert
15 Tanner Workshop, Bell Company Party
16 Family Party with Kimbers and Olsens
17 Jon's Choir program, Seth's Band concert
18 Shopping all day in Salt Lake with Colleen-Natalie
19 Gingerbread house making with Heatons-Egberts. Relief Society Dinner at my house
20 Family Christmas Party
21 HOME Jackson Visit
22 Salt Lake City All Day with Boys
23 Church, Home, Christmas Tree Party
24 Sleigh Ride, Party at Tanners
25 Christmas Day, visit at Greg's
26 Everyone back to work Boring! Visit Daren-Jan, Chinese Dinner
27 Ogden Pizzeria, Ogden Lights with Heiners-Moffetts
28 "PS I Love You" with Mike
29 Joe-Jon Piano Recital, Bowling-Dinner with Curt-Carol
30 Church, Visit Justin-Liane
31 "Enchanted" show and Union Grill with Heiners, Bell Party
January New Years Day!
1 Roller Skating all day! Fondue with Curt-Carol
Love Allyson
Posted by
8:06 PM
Like An Angel Passing Through My Room
Long-awaited darkness falls
Casting shadows on the walls.
In the twilight hour I am alone
Sitting near the fireplace,
Dying embers warm my face.
In this peaceful solitude,
All the outside world subdued,
Everything comes back to me again
In the gloom
Like an angel passing through my room.
Half-awake and half in dreams
Seeing long forgotten scenes,
So the present runs into the past
Now and then become entwined,
Playing games within my mind.
Like the embers as they die,
Love was one prolonged good-bye
And it all comes back to me tonight
In the gloom
Like an angel passing through my room.
I close my eyes
And my twilight images go by
All too soon
Like an angel passing through my room.
Though much of the Christmas celebration centers appropriately on joyful festivities, there are also the calm moments that invite quite reflection and the cherishing of old, often poignant memories. In this song the stillness that accompanies these reminiscences assumes an almost sacred quality, brightening a dark night. I feel so reflective during Christmas especially this year because of the passing of a most beloved father, my sweet sister-in-law, and now my dear friend's husband passed just this week. The cycle of life is a beautiful thing and so joyful to be a part of but yet the emotions run deep and gratefully the memories carry us through. I feel angels pass through my life often and I can only hope to somehow be an angel for someone in need! Love Allyson
Posted by
7:47 PM