Our traditional Christmas Tree Party started with a candle light dinner of Chicken Cordon blue and fake champaign. We then played games and sang songs around the Christmas Tree together as a family! The boys exchanged gifts and each made a hit with their selection. Samuel gave Noah a Pirate Kit and a fleece blanket with horses on it. Noah's response was more than exuberant because of his new found love for horses. Seth gave Jonathan an Air plain kit and a fleece blanket with the pattern of orange-yellow flames! Jonathan was also very excited! Joseph gave Samuel a "Calvin & Hobbs" comic book which he started to read immediatley! Jonathan gave Joseph a snow fling and a Harry Potter hat, perfect selections! Noah gave Seth an Air Cannon which much to my delight sends blasts of noisy air all around the house. They shoot it right in my face and my hair goes flying, ribbons and ornaments fall off the tree! It just all adds to the commotion! We really had a nice time being together, playing games and singing songs. The door bell kept ringing with neighbors dropping off gifts! It was snowing and pretty and a wonderful Christmas Sabbath Evening! Mike-I went to our own comfortable bed but the boys camped out under the tree all night. They dragged sleeping bags, pillows and blankets and were so excited about the whole process of sleeping under the Christmas Tree! Love Allyson
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Busy! Busy! Busy!
10:30 doctor appointment for my mom (she's staying with us)
11:30 hair appointment for my mom
11:45 Home, make special frosting, set tables
12:45 pick up mom from hair
1:30 meet friends for gingerbread house making with kids and special frosting
3:30 another doctor appointment for my mom
4:30 pick up muffins for dinner
6:30 dinner at my house with 12 women tonight
Am I crazy, physco, out of control or just plain nuts? This is how everyday in December has been and I'm tired! Tomorrow mom has another doctor's appointment at 10:00, meet friends for lunch at 11:30 before the kids get out of school for the Christmas break at 1:00. 3:00 set up for family party that I'm in charge of at my church, invitiations, set up tables and chairs, decorations, program, dinner! You know it's all crazy!!!! Love Exhausted Allyson
Posted by
9:22 PM
Is it A Wonderful Life?
Dinner time is mass confusion. Sam is whistling and juggling but keeps dropping his subjects and they echo on the wood floor. Seth comes through the back door with a slam and begins to recount all the adventures of his job to no one in particular. Joe is talking on the phone, to me, to Sam and to Jonathan all at the same time. Jon is reading out loud and keeping time with the incessant beeping of the buzzer. Noah is trying to spell out loud but gets confused with all the noise! Joe hangs up the phone only to ring immediately again! The door bell rings, everyone scrambles to reach it first and announce the next treat delivered! Sam tries to play his Beetles CD until someone realizes and puts Christmas Music on way too loud. I'm trying to cook dinner, listen to all different stories and keep track of home work, make sure Noah is spelling correctly and double check Jon's math. Dinner is bubbling over, the oven is smoking and Joseph decides he wants hot chocolate so the tea pot is whistling! The door bell rings, the dryer rings, the microwave rings, the phone rings! Bells Bells Bells! Not Christmas Bells. Jonathan then begins to pound out too loudly his Christmas song on the piano. The chaos escalates and I think of George Bailey and fondly say "Why'd we have all these kids for anyway?" Remember the scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" where George comes home distraught after learning Uncle Billy lost $8,000! "Somebody's going to jail and it's not going to be ME!" He walks into the house full of chaos and confusion! Cooking, trimming, piano playing, sick daughter lying in bed and his wife happily decorating! He is so overcome with frustration, confusion and worry that he can't see the happy times. After his son asks him how to spell something for the 4th time, George almost yells at his wife "Why'd we have all these kids anyway?" It's a good question! I also remember the Grinch and how he hates the Noise! Noise! Noise! How can I complain though? Someday I'll complain "It's way too quiet around here!" Bless their noisy little hearts! I love them all and Yes Virginia, It Is A WONDERFUL Life! Love Allyson
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1:43 PM
Christmas Essence
In the words of our prophet Gordon B Hinckley. "In each of us there is at Christmas time something of our childhood. We all revel in the fun of Christmas, of giving, receiving, singing, feasting, gathering. But there is something else, something better, and that is to sit together as families and read again the fascinating story of the birth of Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem of Judea. He was the lowly babe who came to earth and brought to us the gift of Christmas. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal, Living God. He is the Savior and the Redeemer of the world. I believe in Him. I love Him. I speak His name in reverence and wonder. Our joy at this season is because He came into the world. The peace that comes from Him, His infinite love which each of us may feel, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude for that which He freely gave us at so great a cost to Himself – these are of the “True Essence of Christmas.” Seth read this in his tuxedo at our Family Christmas Party to a quiet and full audience. Then we sang the Nativity Song, Eliza sang "Mary's Lullaby" to her new born daughter, we all sang "Stars were Gleaming" Collin sang "Joseph's Song" and then we all finished with "Picture a Stable" Andrea lead us, JoLynn accompanied. Tanner-Kristin-Maci were Mary-Joseph-Baby Jesus. All the kids were angels, shepherds, wisemen and Nicolas was the Star! It was so sweet and peaceful! The program came after a quiet, calm candlelit dinner. Then we all quietly listened as Mom gave each of us a coin from Dad's collection and Corey explained the appraisal process and history of the coins. Mom reflected on Christmas memories with Dad as JoLynn played beautiful Christmas music in the background. Just as we were leaving it began to snow, that beautiful full powdery snow that blankets the ground and adds to the Christmas Spirit! It was a beautiful and peaceful evening where we all felt the "True Essence of Christmas"
Yea RIGHT! It snowed so hard and so long that traffic was backed up for hours. Literally took those that came hours to arrive! Many didn't get to attend because of the storm. Darling invitations were not received through the mail. We did end up with a critical mass but the attendance was sparse! Dinner was chaotic, noisy and very late! The program was a hilarious shambles as the children, squawked, cried, disrobed itchy customs and ran screaming off the stage. Seth would not dawn his tuxedo, neither soloist could come and the accompanist had to leave early because her granddaughter was throwing up over a garbage can. The kids ran wild, dragging toys out from everywhere, rearranging furniture and leaving half eaten brownies on the floor to be smashed! It was crazy, hectic, chaotic and OH So Much FUN! Don't you just love a good old fashion family party! I do hope the True Essence of Christmas was felt though, because it's all about being together and we were definitely all together. "Now we all know that we're all here" rang in my ears! Merry Christmas! Love Allyson
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7:36 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Checkin It Twice
I spent more than a whole day shopping and searching for a plastic toy horse for Noah. He has really developed an interest in horses, wants to learn more about them, loves playing with them and daily wishes he could ride one. He's asked numerous times if we could have one for a pet in our back yard. I thought for Christmas he might enjoy a plastic toy horse to play with. I searched and shopped and looked to no avail, I could picture exactly the one I wanted to locate. Finally a friend suggested the IFA store, which was a good idea because we did find some but I was shocked at the price. I had no idea they were collectors items and cost a pretty penny. I couldn't believe it! I was just looking for a dollar store type plastic horse, not a collectors item, just a cute little toy for a 7 year old boy. Discouraged, I purchased the collectors item paying way more than I wanted or even thought the plastic toy horse collectors item was worth! I was frustrated I had spent so much time, money and effort on such a simple thing! The next day while talking on the phone retelling the adventures of hunting down this horse I picked up some discarded plastic animals mindlessly playing with them when I realized the one I was holding was the exact plastic horse I had pictured in my mind and spent so much energy chasing down! He already had one! No wonder I could picture exactly what I wanted to surprise him with! At least I was right, he would enjoy this gift because he already has one and enjoys it very much! Crazy running around in circles, spinning wheels for Christmas presents and list to be completed! Just a small example of how I feel this Christmas Season in some part has gone this year! Love Allyson
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10:02 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
You Mean I have to Dust
Finally! The house is decorated and much to my surprise pulled together quite nicely. I tell you dimming the lights is the secret. Anything can look festive and pretty if you just dim the lights, light some candles, get a nice scent going, music playing, and have the Christmas tree lights on. It is a huge job, while I pull my hair out, I promise I won't do this again next year. But then, it all falls in place and looks rather nice. There's no way I could skip the decorations, my children absolutely love them. Christmas would seem a tad empty without all the trimmings. We love pulling out ornaments we've had for years, remembering who gave them to us, or which trip we purchased them on! We love reflecting over the memories of the gift given by a loved one. We have a statue of Mary-Joseph-Baby Jesus given to us by my sister-in-law Karen who has now passed on. We think of her and remember her every time we see the beautiful statue. She was a choice person in our lives and we miss her. We have miniature gold ornaments of a firetruck, sleigh, church, ship and many more that my father gave to me when I was in high school. We fondly and lovingly unwrap each one and carefully place on our tree remembering him and how much we love and now miss him since he left us this year! Ah memories, Ah missing, Ah all the emotions, so many, seem to bubble out when I hear a beautiful song. Don't listen to Bing Crosby's version of "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" if you don't want to miss Dad. Their voices sound so similar and when Bing whistles I can't hold the tears back anymore! He sounds just like my Dad! Oh I miss him! Oh my heart aches for my mom who misses him so much more than I can comprehend! Now that my eyes are filled with tears I'll return to my original intent of this post which was dusting. So the house looks pretty, presents, trimmings, decorations and treats GALORE! I settle down for a 2 minute break with hot chocolate in hand after all the morning mayhem of getting the boys off to school with 5 separate schedules and see the sun streaming through the front room windows and see.... DUST! What? Is that DUST? Everywhere! You mean it's not good enough to get the house trimmed, NOW I have to DUST it!!! Love Allyson
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8:18 AM
Magical Moments
Saturday was truly a Magical day! It began with waking up to a major snow storm. The earth was covered. Jonathan-Noah played outside all morning long with friends. The whole neighborhood was out and about with snow blowers blowing, I love that sound, 4 wheelers children pulling and dads rides giving. They had so much fun and were laughing hard with their rosy cheeks. Mike-Seth-Sam-Joe went with the young men to collect food from neighbors to donate to the Food Bank. Seth-Sam then left with friends for a beautiful day of skiing. Jonathan-Noah made the cutest snowmen out of pop to give to their friends to spread some Christmas Cheer. We then went to the Institutes's Christmas Program which was really nice! They always do such a good job! We love to watch the dancing and hear the singing. Their program really helps us feel the Christmas Spirit. We went to the fabric store where the boys picked out their favorite fleece to make a blanket, with money they earned, to donate to children. Jonathan-Noah each wanted one for themselves so badly but Mike-I really tried to help them see this time wasn't for them, this time was to give! Hopefully they learned! We had dinner on 25th Street at a Greek restaurant. Mike loves Greek food and wanted to introduce the boys, the introduction was successful. They loved eating the meat right of the skewer. As we were chatting around the table we looked out the candle lit windows to see a darling miniature train coming down the street with passengers. Snow was flurrying around the scene and it was truly a "Magical Moment." We walked around 25th Street and drank in all the Christmas Sights. The shops were decorated so festive and fancy, it felt nostalgic and Christmassy like when I was a child. We walked over to the City Park that is decorated so cute with miniature houses all dressed up duplicating the original buildings in the city. It's such a cute idea and the kids love it! We even got to ride the train "Jupiter." We waited in line a little too long in the freezing weather and Mike-I were ready to bail but the boys pressed on! They were right to make us wait, it was wonderful! The conductor asked Joseph-Jonathan-Noah to sit up front with him where they got to ring the bell over and over, shout out "All Aboard" and even steer! They had a blast! Noah was so excited he could hardly contain himself! The ride took us around the park and down Historical 25th Street to the Union Station and back again to the park. The bell rang constantly, "All Aboard" was shouted more than needed and the boys smiles were HUGE!! Well worth the freezing wait! Back home for hot chocolate and a movie under my electric blanket all cozied up together on our bed. Seth-Sam had friends over to make cookies and hang out downstairs. It truly was a Magical Christmas Memory we shall all keep in our hearts for a very long time! Love Allyson
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5:52 AM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Yahoooooo!!!! In the words of Seth-Sam-Joe-Jon-Noah when they woke up to snow last Saturday morning and again this Saturday morning!!!!! Yahooooo!!!! All of them love to ski, love to ski, love to ski! I have to include Mike in that, he is an enthusiast at the least and his sons are following right behind. Especially Samuel! He lives, eats, drinks, breaths ski season! He waits all summer loooong for the snow to finally fall. He hangs his gloves propped open by a jerryrigged metal hanger from the heating vent in his bedroom ceiling to keep them aired out, in plain view so he can visit them daily. He wiles away the long summer heat and swoons every time he sees his skis in the garage. His dream job would be to somehow land a position with a ski magazine where he could write about his adventures on the mountain, ski for free and get paid for his article. Seth just this morning told Sam skiing is becoming a false idol to him! Sam just laughed. There's nothing more he needs as long as he can ski. A perfect day in Sam's world is ski long and hard all day, making as many runs as possible, don't stop for lunch. Ride home with friends, hot shower, quick nap, warm dinner and then off with more friends. It wouldn't hurt if there was a cute girl or two thrown in there too!
Mike-I are actually surprised by Sam's enthusiasm, especially when we remember as a 10ish year old he had a bad experience and proclaimed, "He hated skiing and was never coming again!" and marched back to the car. Mike forced him to return and take another run, literally forced because as Sam's red hair serves him well he also has the familiar stubbornness that accompanies the chosen red heads. Thankfully Mike's wisdom in forcing Sam was the right decision and Samuel has thanked him many times saying, "man what was I thinking?" He LOVES LOVES LOVES to ski, sometimes I wonder if he is a little out of balance but he's such a great kid and on the right track that there really are no worries!
So Skiing Season has officially begun and as I mentioned, to the great delight of Mike-Seth-Sam-Joseph-Jonathan-Noah. They all love the sport and enjoy being together in the fresh open air! Way to go boys! Love Allyson
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11:00 AM
Seth! Your One Beauty
Seth and Samuel ventured out on their own to get their hair cut. We all assumed they were just getting a nice traditional trim... well Sam did. Seth's hair has grown quite long lately, down past his eyes, which drives me crazy cause you can barely see into his eyes. His golden locks were down to his ears and in the back past his collar. SO... we were all shocked when he returned with his hair so short he could join the Marines. It's basically butched OFF! He doesn't even have to comb it or spend anytime on it other than washing (not that he did before). It gave us all quite a shock! In fact Joseph exclaimed "Seth! your one beauty" when he walked in the kitchen to a room full of unsuspecting observers. We all laughed at Joe's remark because it's a line from"Little Women." The younger sister Amy says it to Josephine when she cuts her long gorgeous hair to earn money for her father's train passage home after being injured in the Civil War. It was a perfect exclamation to sum up all our feelings and shock at "The New Seth!" Seth is such a great kid and we're so glad he's our son and in our home! And of course it is NOT his one beauty, there are many! Mike thinks it makes him look older, Seth thinks it makes him look younger! I just love it cause now you can see his eyes and how handsome he really is! Love Allyson
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9:22 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
O' Christmas Tree
Boy did we freeeeeeze! The day after Thanksgiving we went on the most appropriate Thanksgiving type adventure. We tagged along with Curt-Carol and their family up to the Unitas to cut down a good old fashion Christmas tree! We bundled up warmly and explored the many choices. All the trees were so beautiful and it was such a clear gorgeous day. It was such a perfect activity for the Thanksgiving weekend. We even found a very small frozen pond to ice skate and break dance on. The boys were having a ball. Curt-Carol got about 5 trees. They smelled sooo good, like winter and Christmas and so many memories! We continued our trek on to Mirror Lake where we had a picnic in 16 degree weather with a very swift wind! Boy did we freeeeze! The fire Curt built made a huge difference as long as you were right next to it! Mike and all the kids walked out on to Mirror Lake amazed how frozen it was. They walked clear into the middle of the lake without even hearing a crack. We were surprised we could even get down into the Lake because usually the rode is snow covered. Mike-Curt tied the sleighs to the back of our car and the kids rode back up the hill. It was hilarious and so much fun! They were laughing and falling off and having a blast. Even Sam couldn't contain himself and jumped out of the car wanting in on the action. It was so picture post card perfect. We have beautiful pictures and even a video but I don't know how to post them. We came home and undressed in the garage because we were so smokey from the fire! I took a very long HOT bath and it felt divine! Jonathan-Noah jumped in right after me trying to thaw out! The boys settled down with Thanksgiving dinner leftovers and a movie while Mike-I ran out and got some shopping done. We had the stores to ourselves and we actually got quite a bit done!
Saturday wasn't as fun as we tried to begin to attempt to think about maybe working on decorating but it only turned into one disaster after another. No lights would work, things were broken, boxes were heavy and it was getting more and more complicated so Mike took the boys to the ski swap and came home with treasures, which greatly cheered their disposition. We still couldn't bare the hassle of decorating so we ran off to Salt Lake City! We saw the lights and sights and the Elf Festival at Gardners Village. Had dinner at the Italian Tuccis and walked around Trolley Square. It was another post card kind of event, building lasting memories. We only had Joe-Jon-Noah cause Seth wasn't feeling well so Sam stayed with him. They ended up hanging with their good friend James and even drove themselves out to dinner! Wow, I'm proud of them! Sunday after church I attempted placing a few more decorations in spots that might look appropriate! I'm hoping when the lights are turned low no one will notice how junky and messy it is. We went to Curt-Carols for home made pizza and fun times hanging and laughing and enjoying each other's company! It was a great way to end the wonderful festive Thanksgiving holiday! Monday morning was hard to face for the boys heading back to school and Mike wasn't all that jazzed about trotting off to work and the mounds of laundry and piles of decorations on the floor weren't thrilling me either BUT we face the day and go on as we should. We've decided to adopt the wise words of a beloved author "Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened" Dr. Seuss! Love Allyson
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8:14 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
None of us can say "Thanksgiving" the proper way anymore. When Jonathan who is now 10, was 2 and 3ish he put an "S" in front of all his "T's" so it's forever now Stanksgiving to us. We had a wonderful holiday! We spent it with my side of the family at a church. I know it doesn't sound all that cozy and while we do miss some of the comforts of home there are many advantages. For a group our size it makes set up, serving and clean up so much easier. The kids absolutely LOVE having the run of the gym with cousins galore and a plethora of aunts-uncles to play many many running, dodging, sliding, ball throwing games with. They were all hot and sweaty and had to take a cool off break outside. They even played a game with a tack tapped to their nose and a balloon strapped to their botoxies (another family word for bottom). Each person had to try to keep their balloon alive while trying to pop others balloons. It's crazy and makes for good exercise and lots of laughs. We had more than enough dinner to eat but after the first round of food settled we started in on delicious pies! It was great! We laughed, chatted, sang, played a few games, threw M&M's up and caught them in our mouth! I won, even though no one challenged me I still won! It was a great day and my kids were in Hog Heaven being with cousins all day. We stopped over to Mike's parents and guess what? Ate some more! Ahhh Glorious Stanksgiving! Such a relaxing, mellow, day! It was really perfect EXCEPT Mike-I missed my Dad so much! He passed away in June and he is sorely missed at family gatherings. We were both very aware of the hole he left! Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday. He said you get all the benefits of Christmas without all the hustle bustle! He always had such beautiful and kind things to say to everyone! It's hard to have him gone! We miss him! Love Allyson
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1:07 PM
"The Nutcracker Ballet"
We got to attend the Nut Cracker Ballet the day before Thanksgiving and what a perfect way to ring in the holidays. Yes the holidays have officially begun for us, we're in full blown scale already. The house is a total mess from decorating and it truly looks like a bomb blew up but eventually it will come together and with the lights down low hopefully no one will notice how tacky it all really is. We all loved the ballet! The familiar music makes you want to conduct the orchestra like you know what you're doing. The customs were beautiful, the scenery is incredible and the talent of the dancers leaves me speechless. It's been a fun tradition of ours and I'm so glad my boys enjoy it too, although Sam didn't accompany us and Seth did a great job of catching some Zzzs. I think he only came so he could get in on lunch afterwards. I told them no ballet no lunch. Carol-Annie came with us also and then we grabbed lunch at Costa Vida. Mike even got to sneak in for the second half of the ballet and he loves it as much as I do, maybe even more. Later that evening we attended the Christmas Tree Jubilee that raises money for disabled students in our school district. Samuel belongs to an organization in his high school that donated a tree to be sold at auction, then the proceeds go to the foundation. We were excited to see the tree and it was really quite pretty. I was rather impressed with Samuel for raising over $200 towards the tree. He tapped a flyer to an ice cream bucket and attended each performance of their school play and while people came and went they generously emptied their pockets. Pretty good idea Samuel and way to go and follow through! We came home and the kids watched Charlie Browns Thanksgiving while Mike-I chatted in our cavernous front room and I wished it was beautifully decorated as he wished we had a fire blazing in the hole of a fireplace we now have. Ahhhh Sigh..... someday. Hey wasn't my last entry just about being grateful? Love Allyson
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9:03 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
"Little Women"
Even though our house is full of "Little Men" Mike-Samuel-Seth-Joseph-Jonathan-Noah and I all love the show "Little Women." We especially enjoy the version with Wenona Ryder as "Jo" and Susan Suranden as "Marmee." It's such a sweet display of sibling love and rivalry, falling in love with the boy next door, realizing our dreams and confronting our disappointments. My sons love this show and I think, I hope, it's because they see how much the sisters love and rely on each other. Hopefully they relate and have fond feelings toward their brothers. We love to watch this show cuddled up together every Thanksgiving season. It helps us reflect on our wonderful life together and realize how blessed we are. We have a warm cozy spacious home, always more than enough to eat, plenty of warm clothes, bounds of fun, laughter, happiness and many many relatives who enrich our lives! "Little Women" is one of my favorite books and I'm so glad I've been able to share this story with my sons and they have grasped the value in the words and feelings so well written by Louisa May Alcott. It's a heart warming story that leads me to be so grateful for this time of year and for all my many blessings! I was able to visit Louisa May Alcott's home many years ago and it's a treasured memory of mine. I really enjoy her writing and relate to the emotions her words evoke. Love Allyson
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9:35 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Now We All Know That We're All Here
I chose that title because it's such an absurd way to state the obvious. But that's how I feel in our house, we are all HERE! I'm so grateful we're all HERE! I hate the late nights when my teenage sons aren't home and I want to go to bed! I'm uncomfortable when our 13 year old is away on a scout camp out. I'm uneasy when our 10 year old is having a late night with friends. I can't wait till our 7 year old comes back from a play date. I hate wondering and worrying when we shall all return under one roof. We are all HERE in noise and commotion, clueless conversationalists who talk over and around each other, each voice reaching higher and higher decimals. Every meal time, prayer time and bed time I am accutely aware that we're all HERE! Even though it's an absurd remark it's a wonderful way of expressing we are all HERE! I'm so glad we're all HERE and I truly feel blessed with my 5 wonderful sons and one great husband. So even though "It's a Mad Mad Mad World" is a crazy, but fitting way to describe our household, it's also a Wonderful way to describe our Wonderful World we are building together! Love Allyson
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8:24 PM
Hello Cyber Space
I can't believe we're up and running but thanks to Andrea we're on our way. Hopefully we'll get the knack of things and post the day to day adventures of our family in our own personal Mad Mad Mad House! Can you guess we love the show "Mad Mad Mad World" and find much fodder for thought in the wisdom and insanity of each colorful character. I live with 6 wonderful colorful charachters my ownself. Of course I'm just the narrator in the mayhem at hand and contribute to the madness in no way whatsoever. Love Allyson
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2:05 PM