Boy did we freeeeeeze! The day after Thanksgiving we went on the most appropriate Thanksgiving type adventure. We tagged along with Curt-Carol and their family up to the Unitas to cut down a good old fashion Christmas tree! We bundled up warmly and explored the many choices. All the trees were so beautiful and it was such a clear gorgeous day. It was such a perfect activity for the Thanksgiving weekend. We even found a very small frozen pond to ice skate and break dance on. The boys were having a ball. Curt-Carol got about 5 trees. They smelled sooo good, like winter and Christmas and so many memories! We continued our trek on to Mirror Lake where we had a picnic in 16 degree weather with a very swift wind! Boy did we freeeeze! The fire Curt built made a huge difference as long as you were right next to it! Mike and all the kids walked out on to Mirror Lake amazed how frozen it was. They walked clear into the middle of the lake without even hearing a crack. We were surprised we could even get down into the Lake because usually the rode is snow covered. Mike-Curt tied the sleighs to the back of our car and the kids rode back up the hill. It was hilarious and so much fun! They were laughing and falling off and having a blast. Even Sam couldn't contain himself and jumped out of the car wanting in on the action. It was so picture post card perfect. We have beautiful pictures and even a video but I don't know how to post them. We came home and undressed in the garage because we were so smokey from the fire! I took a very long HOT bath and it felt divine! Jonathan-Noah jumped in right after me trying to thaw out! The boys settled down with Thanksgiving dinner leftovers and a movie while Mike-I ran out and got some shopping done. We had the stores to ourselves and we actually got quite a bit done!
Saturday wasn't as fun as we tried to begin to attempt to think about maybe working on decorating but it only turned into one disaster after another. No lights would work, things were broken, boxes were heavy and it was getting more and more complicated so Mike took the boys to the ski swap and came home with treasures, which greatly cheered their disposition. We still couldn't bare the hassle of decorating so we ran off to Salt Lake City! We saw the lights and sights and the Elf Festival at Gardners Village. Had dinner at the Italian Tuccis and walked around Trolley Square. It was another post card kind of event, building lasting memories. We only had Joe-Jon-Noah cause Seth wasn't feeling well so Sam stayed with him. They ended up hanging with their good friend James and even drove themselves out to dinner! Wow, I'm proud of them! Sunday after church I attempted placing a few more decorations in spots that might look appropriate! I'm hoping when the lights are turned low no one will notice how junky and messy it is. We went to Curt-Carols for home made pizza and fun times hanging and laughing and enjoying each other's company! It was a great way to end the wonderful festive Thanksgiving holiday! Monday morning was hard to face for the boys heading back to school and Mike wasn't all that jazzed about trotting off to work and the mounds of laundry and piles of decorations on the floor weren't thrilling me either BUT we face the day and go on as we should. We've decided to adopt the wise words of a beloved author "Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened" Dr. Seuss! Love Allyson
Friday, November 30, 2007
O' Christmas Tree
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8:14 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
None of us can say "Thanksgiving" the proper way anymore. When Jonathan who is now 10, was 2 and 3ish he put an "S" in front of all his "T's" so it's forever now Stanksgiving to us. We had a wonderful holiday! We spent it with my side of the family at a church. I know it doesn't sound all that cozy and while we do miss some of the comforts of home there are many advantages. For a group our size it makes set up, serving and clean up so much easier. The kids absolutely LOVE having the run of the gym with cousins galore and a plethora of aunts-uncles to play many many running, dodging, sliding, ball throwing games with. They were all hot and sweaty and had to take a cool off break outside. They even played a game with a tack tapped to their nose and a balloon strapped to their botoxies (another family word for bottom). Each person had to try to keep their balloon alive while trying to pop others balloons. It's crazy and makes for good exercise and lots of laughs. We had more than enough dinner to eat but after the first round of food settled we started in on delicious pies! It was great! We laughed, chatted, sang, played a few games, threw M&M's up and caught them in our mouth! I won, even though no one challenged me I still won! It was a great day and my kids were in Hog Heaven being with cousins all day. We stopped over to Mike's parents and guess what? Ate some more! Ahhh Glorious Stanksgiving! Such a relaxing, mellow, day! It was really perfect EXCEPT Mike-I missed my Dad so much! He passed away in June and he is sorely missed at family gatherings. We were both very aware of the hole he left! Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday. He said you get all the benefits of Christmas without all the hustle bustle! He always had such beautiful and kind things to say to everyone! It's hard to have him gone! We miss him! Love Allyson
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1:07 PM
"The Nutcracker Ballet"
We got to attend the Nut Cracker Ballet the day before Thanksgiving and what a perfect way to ring in the holidays. Yes the holidays have officially begun for us, we're in full blown scale already. The house is a total mess from decorating and it truly looks like a bomb blew up but eventually it will come together and with the lights down low hopefully no one will notice how tacky it all really is. We all loved the ballet! The familiar music makes you want to conduct the orchestra like you know what you're doing. The customs were beautiful, the scenery is incredible and the talent of the dancers leaves me speechless. It's been a fun tradition of ours and I'm so glad my boys enjoy it too, although Sam didn't accompany us and Seth did a great job of catching some Zzzs. I think he only came so he could get in on lunch afterwards. I told them no ballet no lunch. Carol-Annie came with us also and then we grabbed lunch at Costa Vida. Mike even got to sneak in for the second half of the ballet and he loves it as much as I do, maybe even more. Later that evening we attended the Christmas Tree Jubilee that raises money for disabled students in our school district. Samuel belongs to an organization in his high school that donated a tree to be sold at auction, then the proceeds go to the foundation. We were excited to see the tree and it was really quite pretty. I was rather impressed with Samuel for raising over $200 towards the tree. He tapped a flyer to an ice cream bucket and attended each performance of their school play and while people came and went they generously emptied their pockets. Pretty good idea Samuel and way to go and follow through! We came home and the kids watched Charlie Browns Thanksgiving while Mike-I chatted in our cavernous front room and I wished it was beautifully decorated as he wished we had a fire blazing in the hole of a fireplace we now have. Ahhhh Sigh..... someday. Hey wasn't my last entry just about being grateful? Love Allyson
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9:03 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
"Little Women"
Even though our house is full of "Little Men" Mike-Samuel-Seth-Joseph-Jonathan-Noah and I all love the show "Little Women." We especially enjoy the version with Wenona Ryder as "Jo" and Susan Suranden as "Marmee." It's such a sweet display of sibling love and rivalry, falling in love with the boy next door, realizing our dreams and confronting our disappointments. My sons love this show and I think, I hope, it's because they see how much the sisters love and rely on each other. Hopefully they relate and have fond feelings toward their brothers. We love to watch this show cuddled up together every Thanksgiving season. It helps us reflect on our wonderful life together and realize how blessed we are. We have a warm cozy spacious home, always more than enough to eat, plenty of warm clothes, bounds of fun, laughter, happiness and many many relatives who enrich our lives! "Little Women" is one of my favorite books and I'm so glad I've been able to share this story with my sons and they have grasped the value in the words and feelings so well written by Louisa May Alcott. It's a heart warming story that leads me to be so grateful for this time of year and for all my many blessings! I was able to visit Louisa May Alcott's home many years ago and it's a treasured memory of mine. I really enjoy her writing and relate to the emotions her words evoke. Love Allyson
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9:35 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Now We All Know That We're All Here
I chose that title because it's such an absurd way to state the obvious. But that's how I feel in our house, we are all HERE! I'm so grateful we're all HERE! I hate the late nights when my teenage sons aren't home and I want to go to bed! I'm uncomfortable when our 13 year old is away on a scout camp out. I'm uneasy when our 10 year old is having a late night with friends. I can't wait till our 7 year old comes back from a play date. I hate wondering and worrying when we shall all return under one roof. We are all HERE in noise and commotion, clueless conversationalists who talk over and around each other, each voice reaching higher and higher decimals. Every meal time, prayer time and bed time I am accutely aware that we're all HERE! Even though it's an absurd remark it's a wonderful way of expressing we are all HERE! I'm so glad we're all HERE and I truly feel blessed with my 5 wonderful sons and one great husband. So even though "It's a Mad Mad Mad World" is a crazy, but fitting way to describe our household, it's also a Wonderful way to describe our Wonderful World we are building together! Love Allyson
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8:24 PM
Hello Cyber Space
I can't believe we're up and running but thanks to Andrea we're on our way. Hopefully we'll get the knack of things and post the day to day adventures of our family in our own personal Mad Mad Mad House! Can you guess we love the show "Mad Mad Mad World" and find much fodder for thought in the wisdom and insanity of each colorful character. I live with 6 wonderful colorful charachters my ownself. Of course I'm just the narrator in the mayhem at hand and contribute to the madness in no way whatsoever. Love Allyson
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2:05 PM