Monday, November 26, 2007

"Little Women"

Even though our house is full of "Little Men" Mike-Samuel-Seth-Joseph-Jonathan-Noah and I all love the show "Little Women." We especially enjoy the version with Wenona Ryder as "Jo" and Susan Suranden as "Marmee." It's such a sweet display of sibling love and rivalry, falling in love with the boy next door, realizing our dreams and confronting our disappointments. My sons love this show and I think, I hope, it's because they see how much the sisters love and rely on each other. Hopefully they relate and have fond feelings toward their brothers. We love to watch this show cuddled up together every Thanksgiving season. It helps us reflect on our wonderful life together and realize how blessed we are. We have a warm cozy spacious home, always more than enough to eat, plenty of warm clothes, bounds of fun, laughter, happiness and many many relatives who enrich our lives! "Little Women" is one of my favorite books and I'm so glad I've been able to share this story with my sons and they have grasped the value in the words and feelings so well written by Louisa May Alcott. It's a heart warming story that leads me to be so grateful for this time of year and for all my many blessings! I was able to visit Louisa May Alcott's home many years ago and it's a treasured memory of mine. I really enjoy her writing and relate to the emotions her words evoke. Love Allyson


Andrea W. said...

This is a sweet post, Ally. I love that movie and think I'll indulge with my kids sometime soon! Thanks for the reminder of a fun movie and sweet sentiments.

Macy said...

Great post. One of my all time favorite movies...I love the old and the new. It always reminded me of my life with sisters!