Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Now We All Know That We're All Here

I chose that title because it's such an absurd way to state the obvious. But that's how I feel in our house, we are all HERE! I'm so grateful we're all HERE! I hate the late nights when my teenage sons aren't home and I want to go to bed! I'm uncomfortable when our 13 year old is away on a scout camp out. I'm uneasy when our 10 year old is having a late night with friends. I can't wait till our 7 year old comes back from a play date. I hate wondering and worrying when we shall all return under one roof. We are all HERE in noise and commotion, clueless conversationalists who talk over and around each other, each voice reaching higher and higher decimals. Every meal time, prayer time and bed time I am accutely aware that we're all HERE! Even though it's an absurd remark it's a wonderful way of expressing we are all HERE! I'm so glad we're all HERE and I truly feel blessed with my 5 wonderful sons and one great husband. So even though "It's a Mad Mad Mad World" is a crazy, but fitting way to describe our household, it's also a Wonderful way to describe our Wonderful World we are building together! Love Allyson


Eliza said...

Yea ally! I am so excited that you are officially a blogger. Now you can comment! I look forward to many posts about your darling fun family. Keep em coming.

Andrea W. said...

So cute, Ally. I'm especially impressed with how naturally you seem to have transformed into a blogger! Welcome, can't wait to keep track of all your adventures. Thanks so much for hosting us yesterday. Your boys are so cute and sweet with my kids, they LOVE them.

Jo said...

Ally congratulations on being a new member of the blogosphere! I'm impressed! What a clever title. Truly, perfect for you.

I loved what you wrote. What a sweet Mom you are. Your devotion and gratitude comes through loud and clear!