Friday, December 28, 2007

Is it A Wonderful Life?

Dinner time is mass confusion. Sam is whistling and juggling but keeps dropping his subjects and they echo on the wood floor. Seth comes through the back door with a slam and begins to recount all the adventures of his job to no one in particular. Joe is talking on the phone, to me, to Sam and to Jonathan all at the same time. Jon is reading out loud and keeping time with the incessant beeping of the buzzer. Noah is trying to spell out loud but gets confused with all the noise! Joe hangs up the phone only to ring immediately again! The door bell rings, everyone scrambles to reach it first and announce the next treat delivered! Sam tries to play his Beetles CD until someone realizes and puts Christmas Music on way too loud. I'm trying to cook dinner, listen to all different stories and keep track of home work, make sure Noah is spelling correctly and double check Jon's math. Dinner is bubbling over, the oven is smoking and Joseph decides he wants hot chocolate so the tea pot is whistling! The door bell rings, the dryer rings, the microwave rings, the phone rings! Bells Bells Bells! Not Christmas Bells. Jonathan then begins to pound out too loudly his Christmas song on the piano. The chaos escalates and I think of George Bailey and fondly say "Why'd we have all these kids for anyway?" Remember the scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" where George comes home distraught after learning Uncle Billy lost $8,000! "Somebody's going to jail and it's not going to be ME!" He walks into the house full of chaos and confusion! Cooking, trimming, piano playing, sick daughter lying in bed and his wife happily decorating! He is so overcome with frustration, confusion and worry that he can't see the happy times. After his son asks him how to spell something for the 4th time, George almost yells at his wife "Why'd we have all these kids anyway?" It's a good question! I also remember the Grinch and how he hates the Noise! Noise! Noise! How can I complain though? Someday I'll complain "It's way too quiet around here!" Bless their noisy little hearts! I love them all and Yes Virginia, It Is A WONDERFUL Life! Love Allyson


Andrea W. said...

You paint such a vivid picture. I feel like I was a fly on the wall. It sounds very familiar too. Often when I'm on the phone, someone will ask who is visiting us. I always reply that all that racket is just my little family.