Saturday, December 8, 2007

Seth! Your One Beauty

Seth and Samuel ventured out on their own to get their hair cut. We all assumed they were just getting a nice traditional trim... well Sam did. Seth's hair has grown quite long lately, down past his eyes, which drives me crazy cause you can barely see into his eyes. His golden locks were down to his ears and in the back past his collar. SO... we were all shocked when he returned with his hair so short he could join the Marines. It's basically butched OFF! He doesn't even have to comb it or spend anytime on it other than washing (not that he did before). It gave us all quite a shock! In fact Joseph exclaimed "Seth! your one beauty" when he walked in the kitchen to a room full of unsuspecting observers. We all laughed at Joe's remark because it's a line from"Little Women." The younger sister Amy says it to Josephine when she cuts her long gorgeous hair to earn money for her father's train passage home after being injured in the Civil War. It was a perfect exclamation to sum up all our feelings and shock at "The New Seth!" Seth is such a great kid and we're so glad he's our son and in our home! And of course it is NOT his one beauty, there are many! Mike thinks it makes him look older, Seth thinks it makes him look younger! I just love it cause now you can see his eyes and how handsome he really is! Love Allyson


Andrea W. said...

LOL, quick thinking on Joe's part. Great line! Can't wait to see the new do, Seth!